To the One Who Seeks Him - Finding the Right Church for You

Sycamore Church

Whether you are new to the neighborhood, new to the faith, or looking for a new community, finding the right church can be an important decision. Though The Good Word will always be good no matter what house it’s given in, not every church will have what will best suit you on your path to Jesus Christ. Here are a few things to consider when looking for a new spiritual community to call home.

Determine Your Priorities 

Though we are all the same in the eyes of God, that doesn’t mean we have the same wants and needs from a new church. Find a pen and a pad of paper and write down all the things that you’re looking for. Are you wanting a community that offers Bible study groups? If you have children, are you looking for a church that offers Sunday School? Are you looking for plenty of community outreach or mission trips? Writing these down will help guide you in the process—a spiritual checklist if you will!

Ask for Recommendations

Now that you have an idea of what you want your new church to offer, the next step is to ask those you know in the area for recommendations. If you’re new to the area, ask your neighbors, coworkers, or members of the community if they have suggestions. If there’s a Christian store in the area, there’s a great chance they will be familiar with the local churches as well!

Go Online

Use the internet! Explore the websites of different area churches, but don’t judge a church solely on its website. The quality of the website isn’t as important as the information that you can get from it. See if they have previously recorded sermons so you can hear the pastor speak, or check if they regularly update the activities and programs they offer.

Try Different Churches

It’s a good idea to have a few options in mind, and don’t be afraid to visit each of them at least once. If the pastor or congregation doesn’t speak to you or help you better connect with Our Lord, then it’s not the right one for you. Seek out staff or pastors and ask how the church can best guide you. If they’re unavailable due to after church programs, take a bulletin home and see what they have coming up.

The Right Church


As much as we can prioritize inspiring mission trips, churches that incorporate multimedia, or a choir looking for new talent, sometimes we need to remove ourselves and place our trust in Him. God will guide us to where he wants us to be, and prayer will illuminate the path that He wishes us to walk.

Church is more than just a house of faith. It’s a welcoming community, an opportunity to make new friends, a vehicle for community service, and  a school for children and adults alike. If you’re still looking for advice or recommendations in Sycamore, IL, then stop into Christian Connection, as we have a resource for all the different churches in the area. For more information about Christian Connection, visit our website or call us at 815-899-3262.



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